"Overcoming poverty is not a gesture of charity, it is an act of justice" Nelson Mandela at the Live 8 concert July 2005

"Sometimes it falls upon a generation to be great. You can be that great generation" Nelson Mandela

Dream Xtreme!

Saturday, April 11

Buy me a Chicken

World Vision have this really cool section on their web site. It's called smiles.

You can spend as little as $5 or as much as $387,597. Whatever the amount, you’ll be contributing to the lives of children, families and communities in need.

A chicken $6
A chicken can provide a family with nutritious eggs, manure for vegie gardens and offspring to sell for extra income. Farm animals are a vital asset in poor rural communities. Your gift will go towards our work to help families meet their basic needs and revive and improve their environments. Now that’s something to cluck about!


You know when its someones birthday, and you don't know what to get them. Y not get them a chicken! ;) They will love it.....possibly. ;)


About Me

This blog is a little bit about me and mostly about being LOUD about making poverty history! I've got an awesome wife NAOMI(The cre8ive one). 3 kids - SAM 9(The brain),REUBEN 8(Playstation addict and Computer wiz) and Carissa 5(The Princess).