"Overcoming poverty is not a gesture of charity, it is an act of justice" Nelson Mandela at the Live 8 concert July 2005

"Sometimes it falls upon a generation to be great. You can be that great generation" Nelson Mandela

Dream Xtreme!
Showing posts with label JUSTICE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label JUSTICE. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 24

Why not?

Some stories have an impact on us, others are just nice stories and most stories we hear and forget. This story I first read last year, since then I have gone back to read it several times. Its one of those stories you just think "wow."



"Some men see things as they are, and say, 'why?' I dream of things that never were, and say, 'Why not?' " - George Bernard Shaw



They needed no reason they simply came because he was of Jewish descent. The Nazis stormed into his home, arresting him and his entire family. Soon they were herded like cattle packed into a train, and then sent to the infamous death camp Auschwitz. His most disturbing nightmares could never have prepared him for seeing his family shot before his very eyes. How could he live through the horror of seeing his child's clothing on another because his son was now dead because of a shower?


Somehow he continued. One day he looked at the nightmare around him and confronted an inescapable truth: if stayed there even one more day, he would surely die. He made a decision that he must escape and that escape must happen immediately! He knew not how, he simply knew that he must. For weeks he'd asked the other prisoners, "How can we escape this horrible place?" The answers he received seemed always to be the same: "Don't be a fool", they said, "There is no escape! Asking such questions will only torture your soul. Just work hard and pray you survive." But he couldn't except this - he wouldn't except it. He became obsessed with escape, and even when his answers didn't make any sense, he kept asking over and over again, "How can I do it? There must be a way. How can i get out of here healthy, alive, today?"


It is said that if you ask, you shall receive. And for some reason on this day he got his answer. Perhaps it was the intensity with which he asked the question, or maybe it was his sense of certainty that "now is the time." For whatever reason the answer came to him through an unlikely source: the sickening smell of decaying human flesh. There, only a few feet from his work, he saw a huge pile of bodies that had been shovelled into the back of a truck-men, women, and children who had been gassed. The gold fillings had been pulled from their teeth; everything that they owned-any jewelry- even their clothing, had been taken. Instead of asking, "How could the Nazis be so despicable, so destructive? How could God make something so evil? Why has God done this to me?," Stanislaw Lec asked a different question. He asked, "How can I use this to escape?" And instantly he got his answer.


As the end of the day neared and the work party headed back into the barracks, Lec ducked behind the truck. In a heartbeat he ripped off his clothes and dove naked into the pile of bodies while no one was looking. He pretended that he was dead, remaining totally still even though later he was almost crushed as more and more bodies were heaped on top of him.


The fetid smell of rotting flesh, the rigid remains of the dead surrounded him everywhere. He waited and waited, hoping that no one would notice the one living body in that pile of death, hoping that sooner or later the truck would drive off.


Finally, he heard the sound of the engine starting. He felt the truck shudder. And in that moment, he felt a stirring of hope as he lay among the dead. Eventually, he felt the truck lurch to a stop, and then it dumped its ghastly cargo-dozens of the dead and one man pretending to be one of them - in a giant open grave outside the camp. Lec remained there for hours until nightfall. When he finally felt certain no one was there, he extracted himself from the mountain of cadavers, and he ran naked forty-five miles to freedom.


What was the difference between Stanislaw Lec and so many others who perished in the concentration camps?


There are many factors, one main difference is that he asked a different question. He asked persistently, he asked with expectation of receiving an answer, and he came up with a solution that saved his life!



You and I could make a real difference with eradicating extreme poverty. Perhaps the most creative solutions haven't been thought up or dreamt up yet.


The thing that strikes me about this story is that Lec was looking for the solution when every body else had excepted their fate.


He was asking a different question


What question are you asking?

Sunday, March 22


When we think "Social Justice" we automatically think of dying starving children and possibly child slaves.

But "Social Justice" is about something much deeper then the those starving in the world. Social Justice is about standing up for the injustice in the world and the injustice that's happens around us.

Social Justice in my opinion is not so much about the wallet. But is about how we think. How we think about others, how we speak about others and how we treat others.

I believe social justice starts right here, right where you are. Standing up for those who can not stand up for themselves.

If we all carried a mindset to stand up for the injustice in the world we would transform how we live and the world we live in.

Yes, I know all sounds a bit idealistic.

Here's a few statistics of what is happening in our schools

A national survey of more than 38,000 schoolchildren between 7 and 17 established that approximately one child in six was bullied by peers each week in Australian schools

In 2002, Kids Help Line received almost 6,000 calls about bullying from young people in Australia

Boys report ‘joining in’ bullying more than girls (9% compared to 5%) and secondary students are more likely to bully another child than primary school students (11% compared to 5%)


Higher levels of stress, anxiety, depression and illness, and an increased tendency to suicide
Negative impact on educational outcomes
Also harmful to perpetrators who are more likely to have antisocial and criminal behaviour

In Australia we have one of the highest youth suicide rates in the world. And yes that is a complex issue in itself.

But...wouldn't you agree its time we stand up and do something about bullying and suicide?
(I know, loaded question - its rhetorical)

Tuesday, March 10


If Everyone cared!
Check this awesome video! I love it! Thx Lyndon
Make sure you pause the playlist on the right of this page before you play it.
Click the button on the bottom right of youtube to make it full screen

Saturday, March 7

World on Fire

Why spend millions on a music video when you can make a very effective one for $15 and give the rest to humanitarian causes?

In this powerful video, Sarah McLachlan breaks down how the money would have been spent and how the money was spent:

In LA, catering for a one day shoot = $3000

But this time, $3000 has bought 10950 meals for street children in Calcutta

$5000 = cost of make-up and hair for one day or

$5000 = one years schooling for 145 girls in Afghanistan

Most Expensive Music Videos:

"Scream" - Michael Jackson & Janet Jackson: $7,000,000

"Victory" - Puff Daddy: $2,700,000+

"Heartbreaker" - Mariah Carey: $2,500,000

"What's It Gonna Be" - Busta Rhymes: $2,400,000+

"Larger Than Life" - Backstreet Boys: $2,100,000+

"Bedtime Story" - Madonna: $2,000,000+

Our God Reigns

This is my favourite song at the moment. I tried it on my playlist but could'nt find a full version. If you know were i can get the html for it let me know. This last album by Delirious is fully awesome!

Saturday, February 28



Welcome to my brand new blog! wahoo!

This blog is about an idea. An idea that I've been thinking about for months. An idea that has been evolving and changing. I've been involved in Youth Work in some shape or form since I was a teenager. One of the challenges of had is to inspire teenagers to think about bigger things then just themselves. ;) You know what I mean, right? Don't get me wrong. Teenagers have an incredible ability to bring change and to inspire people to change. We've all seen and heard of teenagers willing to give up everything for a cause, even to death. On one hand they have the ability to be lazy selfish buggers ;) and on the other hand you get them passionate about something and they will change the world.

This is about an idea which I'm hoping will get students passionate about "Social Justice" in their school, enabling them to raise thousands of dollars in their school and in turn create a culture that they care about "Social Justice" in their home, in their school, in their community, in their country and in the world.

I'm not going to share the idea yet. My idea wouldn't be very original if I shared it with everyone. However I do hope to inspire you with the stories I find. This blog is really about educating my self more then anyone.

I read something recently that really challenged me, its a quote from Economist Jeffrey Sachs (who ever he is!). He said "This is the first generation in the history of the world with the ability to eradicate extreme poverty. We have the means, the resources and the know-how. All we lack is the will."

Wow! That blew me away. Why aren't we doing it? Its because as a culture we really don't care. We don't have the will.

Hopefully, in the course of writing this blog I will at least change me. Hopefully I will at least have "The WILL" to bring the change that I can.

I want to share a lot of inspirational stories on this blog. If you have an inspirational story about social justice small or big then please send it to me so that I can share it and we can all be inspired. If you know of good youtubes, good websites or blogs let me know. Stay posted because I'm going to be searching for all sorts of ways and ideas in which we can make a difference for these enormous causes together.

Stay tuned my next post will be about chocolate, mmmmmmmm...........I love chocolate! :)


About Me

This blog is a little bit about me and mostly about being LOUD about making poverty history! I've got an awesome wife NAOMI(The cre8ive one). 3 kids - SAM 9(The brain),REUBEN 8(Playstation addict and Computer wiz) and Carissa 5(The Princess).