"Overcoming poverty is not a gesture of charity, it is an act of justice" Nelson Mandela at the Live 8 concert July 2005

"Sometimes it falls upon a generation to be great. You can be that great generation" Nelson Mandela

Dream Xtreme!

Thursday, April 23

John Francis, a ‘planetwalker’ who lived car-free and silent for 17 years

How long could you survive without your car? For the many Australians who think nothing of driving 10 blocks to buy a Litre of milk, the answer is obvious. But before any of you dedicated pedestrians and die-hard cyclists start feeling smug, try this question: How long could you survive without talking?
Chances are, nowhere near as long as John Francis did. After a massive oil spill polluted San Francisco Bay in 1971, Francis gave up all motorised transportation. For 22 years, he walked everywhere he went -- including treks across the entire United States and much of South America -- hoping to inspire others to drop out of the petroleum economy.

Soon after he stopped riding in cars, Francis, the son of working-class, African-American parents in Philadelphia, also stopped speaking. For 17 years, he communicated only through improvised sign language, notes, and his ever-present banjo. The environmental pilgrim says he took his vow of silence as a gift to his community "because, man, I just argued all the time." But it may have been Francis who benefited most of all. For the first time, he found he was able to truly listen to other people and the larger world around him, transforming his approach to both personal communication and environmental activism.


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About Me

This blog is a little bit about me and mostly about being LOUD about making poverty history! I've got an awesome wife NAOMI(The cre8ive one). 3 kids - SAM 9(The brain),REUBEN 8(Playstation addict and Computer wiz) and Carissa 5(The Princess).